
搜狐焦点金昌站 2024-07-03 13:40:04


苏州鑫相河畔雅苑 售楼处电话TEL:400-805-8575 接通后输入7777 [售楼中心] 苏州鑫相河畔雅苑售楼处营销热线:400-805-8575转7777 楼盘详情介绍,位置、小区环境、房价、周边商业配套、户型等楼盘详情!


售楼处电话TEL:400-805-8575 接通后输入7777 [售楼中心]

苏州鑫相河畔雅苑售楼处营销热线:400-805-8575转7777 楼盘详情介绍,位置、小区环境、房价、周边商业配套、户型等楼盘详情!


预约优惠—〢售楼中心置业顾问为您买房保驾护航〢—匠心钜制恭迎品鉴 !

The total price starts from 2.39 million in a state-owned enterprise with quality and fine decoration near Suzhou. Move into Vibrant Island Core



Xinxiang Riverside Yayuan is located at the intersection of Rongtai Street and Zhijin Road in Xiangcheng District. Sales office hotline: 400-9696-224. It is located in the center of Vibrant Island and has mature surrounding facilities, such as business, medical care, education, parks, rail transit, etc. , which can meet a series of needs of owners such as shopping and consumption, leisure and entertainment, and convenient travel.Xinxiang Riverside Yayuan is located on Lot 2017-WG-76 in Sudi, with a floor price of 5,919 yuan/square meter. The internal planning and design of the community are also based on the needs of the owners. The center of the community is planned to have a 16,000-square-meter large Central Park landscape. On the whole, every house has a landscape, providing owners with a park for all ages.The project has a total of six residential buildings (approximately 30 floors) and two commercial super high-rise buildings (approximately 230 meters). The total number of residential households is 878, and the floor area is approximately 105-169 square meters.








Plot A is the commercial part, with two 230-meter-high super high-rise buildings planned, including high-end shopping malls, star hotels, 5A Grade A office buildings, apartments, etc., as well as underground parts.The upper half of the west tower is a five-star standard hotel and the lower half is apartments; the upper half of the east tower is a five-star hotel and the lower half is office area; there is also a commercial podium nearby, including a banquet hall, 100,000 square meters Shopping mall, underground retail part.Traffic conditions Jinxiang Tiandi is located in the core area of Vibrant Island. To the north, you can enjoy the supporting facilities of the Central Park area, to the south is Pingjiang New Town, Suzhou, and to the east is Xiangcheng Yuanhe Main City. It can be said that the geographical location is superior.The Jinxiang Tiandi project is adjacent to Zhijin Road to the west and Jinzhuan Road to the east. Both avenues are two-way with six lanes, and both cross Chunshenhu Middle Road.





[Quality Residence] The Jinxiang Tiandi project is the cover work of Suzhou Xiangcheng residential area created by Jinao Real Estate. At the same time, the project also built a 230-meter twin tower landmark building, adding a skyline to the Xiangcheng District. The project center created The 16,000-square-meter super-large Central Park landscape allows every household to have a view, providing owners of all ages with a park at their doorstep.3. [Complete supporting facilities] The Jinxiangtiandi project is surrounded by well-developed supporting facilities, covering commerce, medical care, education, parks, subways and other supporting facilities. It has its own large shopping mall and city park. The bustling center is about 1.4 kilometers away, which can fully satisfy the owners' shopping needs. Consumption, leisure and entertainment, convenient travel and a series of life needs.









售楼处电话TEL:400-805-8575 接通后输入7777 [售楼中心]

苏州鑫相河畔雅苑售楼处营销热线:400-805-8575转7777 楼盘详情介绍,位置、小区环境、房价、周边商业配套、户型等楼盘详情!

